PPCA Should cost modelling
What is it? The Purchase Price Cost Analysis (PPCA) tool sometimes called should cost modelling is used to develop a structured breakdown of all the actual costs of the various elements that go to make up a given product or service. All courses are delivered using video, presentation slide shows and a knowledge check.
How does it work? Using gathered data, research, market intelligence and the advice of experts it is possible to build up an understanding of actual cost. The PPCA tool is a very powerful tool when used correctly, however it is not suitable for every category, product or service. We therefore use Day One analysis to decide if a PPCA is worthwhile. It covers how to determine what a product or service should cost and use this as a basis for negotiation.
What is the structure of the course? It is 40 minutes of eLearning and comprises of 2 microlearning modules; an explanation video and a presentation module.
Who is it suitable for? Novice to Expert.
When is it useful? Category Management, negotiation and as a general tool for understanding suppliers and the market.
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